Thursday, February 4, 2010

Homework #88:Write all parts of speech & sentence for each

  1. noun- My cats like to eat cat food and table food.
  2. verb- I like to play basketball and football.
  3. adverb- He threw the ball harder than me.
  4. pronoun- He said hi to my friend.
  5. adjective- This snail is very slippery.
  6. conjunctions- The boy went inside of the tiny hole.
  7. article- This is an apple.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Non-Fiction Lesson #1

  1. Galdikas is motivated by things other than scientific curiosity. That shows because in the article he talks about how he likes orangutan.
  2. Maybe he explained the plight before he explained Galdikas because they should know about their condition before they can know about who's gonna save them from their crisis.
  3. One time I saw mycat laying down on my bed and I went to pet her. She thought I wanted to play and she swiped at me. I was shocked, so I swiped back at her (wich was probably wasn't a good idea) and she looked at me like I was crazy. Her face was saying " how dare you hit me back. Have you lost your mind little girl" so I walked away slowly.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Homework #70: WRITE! book (continued)

PART A 1. the chemist's formula
2. the four attorneys' fee
3. our boss's plegde
4. Gene's predicament
5. the childrens department
6. Kansas's laws
7. a silversmith's craft
8. these twins similraty
9. several women votes
10. Dr. Martinez's office

1. You should've told me your concerns.
2. Read Miss Ross's message in my year book!
3. It'd be wonderful if Kenny gets that job.
4. That new law will affet only a few constitution's.
5. I'd like to study for that exam with you.
6. Why won't you be coming to the luncheon?

1. I'd
2. Jess's
3. Mrs. Kendall's
4. Mr. Kendall's
5. families
6. kiddies'
7. Children's
8. parents
9. couldn't
10. we've
11. wilderness'

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Homework #70:WRITE book

1. inscription,
2. snap,
3. logbook,
4. no,
5. night,
6. 1,

1. My pediatricain treats infants, children, and teenagers.
2. I will nag, pesters, and torment you until you give in.
3. Did you know, Paul that warts are caused by a virus?
4. Dad was June 2, 1984, the date you and mom got married?
5. Drew will study ecology in Wichita, Kansas next year.
6. I wandered around, did some shopping and had lunch.

Mike:  Dad we're in Providence, Rhode Island, and we've got a dilemma with the car.

Dad:   Oh, is everyone alright?

Mike:  Yes, we're fine, but the car just started vibrating, bucking, and acting crazy.

Dad:    From what you've said Mike, I believe you forgot to check your gas gauge. You, Mark and Athony, remain in the car, put the hazard lights on, and wait for me.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Homework #62:Reading Response

This book is so good, it's great! Hermes is so bad but he plays the harp so well. I never heard or saw him play but the book makes him sound like a professional harp player. The character I like the most is Apollo. Apollo is the god of prophecy. Prophecy means the foretelling or prediction of what is to come, but that's not what this is about.

The character I dislike the most is the old man. He's ot really a character in the story but I just don't like him. I don't like him because he told on Hermes when he specificlly asked him not to. He told Apollo that he saw a young child with about 50 cattle, forcing them to walk from side to side and backwards with their heads towards him. The old man is a trader because he agreed to what Hermes said, but then he betrade him by telling Apollo.

(This Apollo is a greek god not a theatre on 125st)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Homework #60: Reading Response

I started a new book called "Greek Myths" by Olivia Coolidge. It has a whole bunch of stories about Greek gods and myths they wanted to retell the stories of how those Greek gods lived in their world. In each chapter there are new stories to tell.
I like a character named Hermes, the god of thieves and messengers. I like him because he gets into silly trouble. An example is when he got out of his cradle and went out of the cave. He found a tortoise to play with. He made a harp out of the shell and 7 strings of sheep guts. He played it beautifully. When he got tired of playing the harp, he put it in his cradle and went to get into some real trouble. He found the cattle of the sun. He separated 50 of them and took them away. He went down where it was hard to follow his footprints.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Homework #57:High School Essay

High School
In this essay I will be talking about high school and what I'd like to know about high school. I also will be talking about how different middle school is from high school, and how middle school will prepare you for high school.
I think high school is different from middle school. I think this because it's older kids in high school and younger kids in middle school. I also think it's different because I think middle school kids are more mature than high school kids because as we get older we will get more immature than what we already are. I also think if middle school kids pay attention they might be a little more advanced than the high school kids that skip class.
I think middle school will prepare you for high school. This is because when we get in 8th grade, we get to take advanced classes and high school classes. Also when you get to 8th grade you get to take your PSAT to get ready for the SAT's your going to take next year.
I would like to know a few things about high school: How do they grade you in high school? Do they grade like they do in middle school? Is there a difference in the gradings in middle and high school, if there are what are they? Why?