Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Homework #47:WRITE! book

Part A
1. sentence #1
2. sentence #3
3. sentence #4
4. sentecne #6
5. sentence #7
Part B
1. A cobweb dangled from the tree,but I didn't see it.
2. That farmland was for sale, but my grandfather bought it.
3. We can use the dishwasher, or we can wash dishes by hand.
4. I wrote an essay, and my teaher read it aloud in front of the class.
5. I like playing in the outfield, and it an be boring.
6. You can ride in the jeep, or you can walk along the trail.
Part C
Franklin Delano Roosevelt beame president in 1933, but he had a problem. Roosevelt had piolo. His legs were paralyzed, but he could attemp his many speaking trips. He could send his wife Eleanor in his place. Eleanor was very shy, but she agreed to speak at schools, clubs, and on the radio. At first Eleanor was a poor public speaker, but practice she ddelivered many powerful speeches. During the Depression, Eleanor visited schools and hospitals. She worked for women and for civil rights for African American. Eleanor Roosevelt helped her husband and she also helped our contry.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Homework #46:WRITE! book

Part A
1. subject
2. verb
3. subject
4. verb
5. subject and verb
6. verb
7. subject
8. verb and subject
Part B
1. The fans sung a popular song "Take Me Out to The Ball Game."
2. In the seventh inning in every ball park in the country played that song.
3. the song was written by the actor and song writer Jack Norworth.
4. Jack thought of it during a ride on a subway train in New York in 1908.
5. Jack noticed an ad for baseball game.
6. He wrote the song on scrap of paper.
7. Do you know the most unusual part of the story?
8. Jack never went to a baseball game.
Part C
Did you know that lobsters have teeth in their stomach? They chew food in the stomach between grinding surfaces that look like teeth. Lobsters also have the ability to regrow legs,claws and antennae. Female lobsters lay eggs that float on the surface for about five weeks. Only two lobsters out of every 50,000 babies liveto adulthood. A lobster near the shore probably will become someone's dinner,s dinner one day.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homework #44

This chapter is about a Doctor Pickle. Actually his name is Doctor Pickell with an accent on the second " l " but that's not why they call him Dr. Pickle. He was a psychiatrist. Even though he
was sick in the head, he still helps people who are also sick in the head.
I really don’t understand why he uses a pickle at his job. Maybe that's why they call him Dr. Pickle. He had a patient that smoked a lot. When she put out her cigarette, she immediately starts another one. Dr. Pickle told her to sit on the couch. He pulled out a golden chain. At the end was a green stone that looked like a pickle. He said" follow the pickle. "

The Watsons go to Birmingham

1. It was so cold on Saturday,the Watsons sat huddled together under a blanket on the couch.

2. Momma felt the cold the most because she was from Alabama.

3. Kenny and his family lived in Flint,Michigan.

4. Joetta was Kenny's little sister.

5. According to Kenny,which of the following was not true of his older brother Byron?He tryed to make Momma laugh all the time.

6. The weatherman said The tempature in Atlanta,Georgia would reach the mid-seventies.

7. Dad told Kenny,Byron,and Joetta they were lucky not to be the children of one of Momma's old boyfriends named Hambone Handerson.

8. When she was about to laugh,Momma put her hand over mouth because she had a big gap between her front teeth.

9. Which of the following was not a warning Moses Henderson gave Momma about Flint?Because it was so cold,babies were born with lumpy heads.

10. Momma said life in Birmingham,even though it was not perfect,was slower friendlier,and neither expensive nor cold.

11. Since they couldn't contact their landlord about their cold apartment,the Watsons planned to spend the night with Aunt Cydney.

12. The Brown Bomber was the Watsons' 1984 Plymouth.

13. Byron and Kenny were not happy when dad ordered them to scrape the ice off the car windows.

14. Kenny was agitated because Byron was not doing his share of the work.

15. The night before, Byron and his friend Buphead had given Kenny lessons in how to survive a a blizzard.

16. At first Kenny ignored Byron's calls because he thought his brother was playing another trick on him.

17. Kenny discovered that Byron's mouth was frozen onto the outside mirror.

18. Kenny's parents were shook up when they heard that Byron's was crying.

19. Dad laughed at Byron's predicament beccause he realized that Byron had been kissing his reflection in the mirror.

20. Kenny could tell Momma was worried because she started to talk southern style.

21. During Byron's ordeal, Dad kept laughing and making jokes about the situation.

22. Pouring hot water on the mirror freed a portion of Byron's lip.

23. With all five of them crying and standing around a car in freezing tempatures, Kenny thought it was no wonder the neighbors called them the Weird Watsons

24. Momma freed Byron from his predicament by yanking his head away from the mirror.

25. On the way to Aunt Cydney's when Kenny paid Byron back for punching him in the forehead and for not doing his share of the work, all the Watsons except Byron cracked up.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Homework #43

This is the part when Mrs.Jewls asked the kids to write poems that rhyme with their favorite color.This character reminds me of somebody I know because she gets her way and then she doesn't know what to do with that thing.This refers to Alison. She wanted the color purple but so did Rondi.
Alison said purple was her favorite in the whole world,so Rondi swithed to blue and Alison got purple.Purple doesn't rhyme with any word.Blue rhymes with alot of words like glue or zoo but Alison was thinking of so many words to go with blue out loud that she didn't put anything on paper.She only put her name and the title of her poem.Alison didn't do anything.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Homework #42: WRITE! book

Part A
1.threw g. the past tense for throw
2.throgh d. passing from one side of something to another
3.weak h. not strong frail
4.week a. seven days
5.who's c. a contraction of who and is
6.whose e. belonging to which person or thing
7.your f. belonging to you
8.you're b. contraction of you and are
Part B
1. Do you know where the art room is?(wear,where)
2. These math problems are just too hard.(to,too,two)
3. Whose responsibility is it?(whose,who's)
4. Stand over there for moment.(they're,their,there)
5. Did you eat the whole pie?(hole,whole)
6. The president shook many hands as he walked through the crowd.(threw,through)
Part C
It's the day that the city council is do to build a whole new library. If it's vote is to accept the proposal, we will hear about it immediately. All week their have been rallies supporting a new library. People have walked through the streets and carried signs to show they're support. What is your opinion?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Homework #41: WRITE! book

Part A
Part B
1. The experienced skipper maneuvered the boat.(old,experienced)
2. Mrs. Li prepares a tangy relish.(tangy,nice)
3. I correspond with my uncle weekly.(weekly,monthly)
4. Kevin wields the wrench well.(well,expertly)
5. The clothes were still wet in the morning.(wet,drenched)
6. The chef's specialty is grilled vegetables.(grilled,cooked)
Part C
My mom and I go to the beach frequently. My mom prefers a peaceful time to relax. She usually sits under a her superior umbrella and reads a interesting book. She seems happy with this vacation from noise to activity.
I, on the hand, race rapidly into the thunderous surf. The water rushes kindly over my overheated head. Mom and I differ in many ways, but we both have a sympathetic time at the beach.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Homework #40

The book I'm reading is called Wayside School Gets A Little Stanger. I like that there's 30 fl0or's in the school, but there is no 19th floor. That's kind of weird beause they say that Ms. Zarves teaches on the nineteenth floor, but since there is no nineteenth floor there is no Ms. Zarves. So there's really only 29 floor's, right.
Dameon reminds me of someone because he's like a techer's pet. He does favor's for Ms. Jewls, like when he was running up the stairs going to her lass on the 30th floor. When he got there he was tired, but Ms. Jewls asked him to go get her pencil from the office down stairs. He got up and went back down the steps just for his favorite teacher.
Dameon is like Geronimo from Geronimo Stilton books because Geronimo is like a teacher's pet,but instead he's a boss's pet. He always does favor's for his boss even though he doesn't have to like when he was working on the newspaper and his boss asked him to go get him lunch. So Geronimo got up and went to get his lunch because that was his favorite boss in the whole mouse land.
I like this writing because it's a comedy and a type of mystery because it's funny and it makes you wonder what's going to happen to the school like when Louis was finishing the school. He heard a loud "moo". There was a cow in the school. Louis didn't know how it got there. He didn't even know where it was.
This book makes me think about what my life would be like if my school had 30 floors and no elevator, or what it would be like to hear a cow but not know where it is. It also makes me think about how lucky I am to not be sent to a horrible school like those other kids and not see my friends any more.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

African Burial Ground Essay

The African Burial Ground is an 18th century African Cemetery where slaves were buried.They built a building over it.They also excavated the bodies and made sculptures of how their bodies look like when they found them.
Slavery ended in New York in the late 1700's.As New Amsterdam grew,so did the demand for slaves.The first slave auction in New Amsterdam was in 1655.The people who bought slaves were Dutch people.They ruled New Amsterdam.
The African Burial Ground connects to this because most slaves that were buried under the building because after they dug the bodies up,they put their remains back in little boxes.Those are called crypts.
Blacks had the role of slaves.They had to serve the Dutch by cleaning their house and picking cotton.They also got whipped because they disobeyed their master.If they really didn't listen,they would either get shot or hung.To get hung is to have a rope tied around your neck and have the other half tied to a tree branch.