Sunday, January 10, 2010

Homework #70: WRITE! book (continued)

PART A 1. the chemist's formula
2. the four attorneys' fee
3. our boss's plegde
4. Gene's predicament
5. the childrens department
6. Kansas's laws
7. a silversmith's craft
8. these twins similraty
9. several women votes
10. Dr. Martinez's office

1. You should've told me your concerns.
2. Read Miss Ross's message in my year book!
3. It'd be wonderful if Kenny gets that job.
4. That new law will affet only a few constitution's.
5. I'd like to study for that exam with you.
6. Why won't you be coming to the luncheon?

1. I'd
2. Jess's
3. Mrs. Kendall's
4. Mr. Kendall's
5. families
6. kiddies'
7. Children's
8. parents
9. couldn't
10. we've
11. wilderness'

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Homework #70:WRITE book

1. inscription,
2. snap,
3. logbook,
4. no,
5. night,
6. 1,

1. My pediatricain treats infants, children, and teenagers.
2. I will nag, pesters, and torment you until you give in.
3. Did you know, Paul that warts are caused by a virus?
4. Dad was June 2, 1984, the date you and mom got married?
5. Drew will study ecology in Wichita, Kansas next year.
6. I wandered around, did some shopping and had lunch.

Mike:  Dad we're in Providence, Rhode Island, and we've got a dilemma with the car.

Dad:   Oh, is everyone alright?

Mike:  Yes, we're fine, but the car just started vibrating, bucking, and acting crazy.

Dad:    From what you've said Mike, I believe you forgot to check your gas gauge. You, Mark and Athony, remain in the car, put the hazard lights on, and wait for me.