Saturday, January 9, 2010

Homework #70:WRITE book

1. inscription,
2. snap,
3. logbook,
4. no,
5. night,
6. 1,

1. My pediatricain treats infants, children, and teenagers.
2. I will nag, pesters, and torment you until you give in.
3. Did you know, Paul that warts are caused by a virus?
4. Dad was June 2, 1984, the date you and mom got married?
5. Drew will study ecology in Wichita, Kansas next year.
6. I wandered around, did some shopping and had lunch.

Mike:  Dad we're in Providence, Rhode Island, and we've got a dilemma with the car.

Dad:   Oh, is everyone alright?

Mike:  Yes, we're fine, but the car just started vibrating, bucking, and acting crazy.

Dad:    From what you've said Mike, I believe you forgot to check your gas gauge. You, Mark and Athony, remain in the car, put the hazard lights on, and wait for me.

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